
Tercer Encuentro Nacional de Análisis no Arquimediano, física matemática y aplicaciones

El tercer encuentro nacional de análisis no Arquimediano, física matemáticas y aplicaciones es un evento organizado anualmente con el objetivo de reunir investigadores nacionales e internacionales expertos en análisis no arquimediano y sus aplicaciones tanto a la física como la matemática, entre otras ciencias. Además, contamos con la participación de invitados internacionales con una trayectoria investigativa importante en los temas de interés del evento. En esta oportunidad, que corresponde a la tercera versión del encuentro, se llevará a cabo en la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja del 17 al 20 de marzo.

Explicit formula in a imaginary quadratic number field

In [4], Haran, using Riesz potentials, presents a version of the classical explicit formula for the Riemann zeta function that treats all places equally. In this article, we extend Haran's results to the case of an imaginary quadratic extension of …

Radial solutions of a pseudo-differential equations associated with a p-adic non-local ultradiffusion operator

This paper is dedicated to study some pseudo-differential equations related to the operator Dd1,d2α with symbol Ad1,d2α=max|x|pd1,|x|pd2, acting on a radial function φ(|x|p). The …

Entropy, Feller Processes and p-Adic Analogues of the Scattering Equation

There are several techniques in the classical case for some integro-differential equations involving the concept of entropy to show some properties of the solution. In this work, we deal with the p-adic scattering equation. We adapt these methods …

Operadores no locales sobre los números p-ádicos

Libro dirigido a estudiantes de últimos semestres de la carrera de matemáticas, estudiantes de maestría o doctorado, que quieran iniciar su investigación en el campo de los números p-ádicos o el análisis no-Arquimediano. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar …

p-adic Markov process and the problem of the first return over balls

We consider the pseudodifferential operator defined as 𝐻𝛼𝜑 and study the Markov process associated to this operator. We also study the first passage time problem associated to 𝐻𝛼 for 𝑟

Semi-linear Cauchy problem and Markov process associated with a p-adic non-local ultradiffusion operator

This work is dedicated to study the pseudodifferential operator (𝐷𝛼𝑑1,𝑑2𝜑)(𝑥)=−∫ℚ𝑛𝑝−𝛼𝑑1,𝑑2(𝑦)[𝜑(𝑥+𝑦)−𝜑(𝑥)]𝑑𝑛𝑦, which can be seen as a generalization of Taibleson operator; here 𝛼𝑑1,𝑑2(𝑥)=max{‖𝑥‖𝑑1𝑝, ‖𝑥‖𝑑2𝑝}𝛼. We show that semi-linear Cauchy problem …

Non-radial functions, nonlocal operators and Markov processes over p-adic numbers

The main goal of this article is to study a new class of nonlocal operators and the Cauchy problem for certain parabolic-type pseudodifferential equations naturally associated with them. The fundamental solutions of these equations are transition …

Parabolic type equations on p-adic balls

In this article we solve the Cauchy problem associated to a radial symbol constant on a ball of radius pr and we show that the fundamental solution, Z_r(x, t), vanishes outside the ball of radius p-r

Parabolic-type pseudodifferential equations with elliptic symbols in dimension 3 over p-adics

In this paper we deal with the operator defined as 𝑓(∂,𝛼)𝜙:=−1𝜉→𝑥(|𝑓(𝜉)|𝛼𝑝𝑥→𝜉𝜙), where f(ξ) is an elliptic quadratic form of dimension 3 over ℚ p . We study the Cauchy problem associated that operator, and find the fundamental solution and some …