Global weak solutions for a 2X2 balance non-symmetric system of Keyfitz-Kranzer type

In this paper we consider the Cauchy problem for a particular non-symmetric Keyfitz-Kranzer type system, by using the vanishing viscosity method coupled with the compensated compactness method we get global bounded entropy weak solutions. The main …

Banach spaces of linear operators and homogeneous polynomials without the approximation property

We present many examples of Banach spaces of linear operators and homogeneous polynomials without the approximation property, improving results of Dineen and Mujica (Czechoslovak Math. J. 65(140): 367–374, 2015) and Godefroy and Saphar (Proc Am Math …

Lower Bounds for Possible Singular Solutions for the Navier–Stokes and Euler Equations Revisited

In this paper we give optimal lower bounds for the blow-up rate of the 𝐻˙𝑠(𝕋3)-norm, 1/252

Study of University Dropout Reason Based on Survival Model

In this paper, we introduce the survival modelling methodology in order to identify some factors which may be influencing the university dropout. By using the data base provided by the Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Colombia and the semi …

Delta shock wave for a 3x3 hyperbolic system of conservation laws

We study the one-dimensional Riemann problem for a hyperbolic system of three conservation laws of Temple class. The system is a simplification of a recently proposed system of five conservations laws by Bouchut and Boyaval that models viscoelastic …

Regularity of Viscous Solutions for a Degenerate Non-linear Cauchy Problem

We consider the Cauchy problem for a class of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equation with forcing. By using the vanishing viscosity method it is possible to construct a generalized solution. Moreover, this solution is a Lipschitz function on the …

Aproximación numérica a la propagación de ondas de tsunami y caso de estudio en la costa Caribe Colombiana

El estudio del fenómeno de tsunami ha sido de gran interés, especialmente en la última decada. La utilización de modelos matemáticos para simular los efectos de tsunami en oceanos y costas ha sido posible, al punto de calcular con gran detalle y …

On the Riemann Problem for a Hyperbolic System of Temple Class

In this chapter, we study the one-dimensional Riemann problem for a hyperbolic system of three conservation laws of temple class. Under suitable generalized Rankine–Hugoniot relation and entropy condition, both existence and uniqueness of particular …

Asymptotic Behavior of Global Entropy Solutions for Nonstrictly Hyperbolic Systems with Linear Damping

We investigate the large time behavior of the global weak entropy solutions to the symmetric Keyfitz-Kranzer system with linear damping. It is proved that as t to infinity the entropy solutions tend to zero in the Lp norm.

Delta Shock Wave for the Suliciu Relaxation System

We study the one-dimensional Riemann problem for a hyperbolic system of three conservation laws of Temple class. This system is a simplification of a recently proposed system of five conservations laws by Bouchut and Boyaval that model viscoelastic …