Explicit formula in a imaginary quadratic number field

In [4], Haran, using Riesz potentials, presents a version of the classical explicit formula for the Riemann zeta function that treats all places equally. In this article, we extend Haran's results to the case of an imaginary quadratic extension of …

Radial solutions of a pseudo-differential equations associated with a $p$-adic non-local ultradiffusion operator

This paper is dedicated to study some pseudo-differential equations related to the operator $D_{d_1,d_2}^{\alpha}$ with symbol $\mathcal{A}_{d_1,d_2}^{\alpha}=\max{|x|_{p}^{d_1},|x|_{p}^{d_2}}$, acting on a radial function $\varphi(|x|_p)$. The …

Python para las humanidades digitales

Las humanidades digitales combinan la programación por computador con el estudio de las humanidades en general. Este libro propone el lenguaje de programación Python para realizar investigaciones en humanidades, así, desarrolla casos posibles en …

Effect of management and probiotic supplementation on growth performance of Muscovy duck

**Background:** The farming of Muscovy ducks (*Cairina moschata*) is an important part of the poultry industry in developed countries; however, the lack of research and improvement programs has led to poor productive outcomes in developing regions …

Julia, Julia, Julia

`Julia` es un lenguaje de programación moderno diseñado para computación científica ya que ofrece velocidad, facilidad de uso y una variedad de herramientas para procesamiento de datos. Por lo tanto, es un lenguaje llamativo para científicos, en …

Herramientas para el análisis estadístico de datos biológicos en R

La planeación de estudios biológicos y recolección de datos en campo o laboratorio requieren esfuerzo y una gran cantidad de tiempo y dinero. Sin embargo, estos datos por sí solos no generan nuevo conocimiento y es fundamental manejarlos y …

Entropy, Feller Processes and $p$-Adic Analogues of the Scattering Equation

There are several techniques in the classical case for some integro-differential equations involving the concept of entropy to show some properties of the solution. In this work, we deal with the $p$-adic scattering equation. We adapt these methods …

Operadores no locales sobre los números $p$-ádicos

Libro dirigido a estudiantes de últimos semestres de la carrera de matemáticas, estudiantes de maestría o doctorado, que quieran iniciar su investigación en el campo de los números p-ádicos o el análisis no-Arquimediano. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar …

Mucilage and cellulosic derivatives as clarifiers for the improvement of the non-centrifugal sugar production process

Non-centrifugal cane sugar (NCS) is the second most important Colombian agribusiness in social importance. However, the sugar cane industry is facing some challenges caused by the controversial nutritional and safety attributes of NCS. Some Colombian …

$p$-adic Markov process and the problem of the first return over balls

We consider the pseudodifferential operator defined as 𝐻𝛼𝜑 and study the Markov process associated to this operator. We also study the first passage time problem associated to 𝐻𝛼 for 𝑟