A short note on deformations of (strongly) Gorenstein-projective modules over the dual numbers

Let $\mathbf{k}$ be a field of arbitrary characteristic, and let $\Lambda$ be a finite dimensional $\mathbf{k}$-algebra. In this short note we prove that if $V$ is a finitely generated strongly Gorenstein-projective left $\Lambda$-module whose stable …

El Estrés Hídrico de Cultivos de Papa, Maíz y Arveja

Se analiza la evapotranspiración de los cultivos de papa, maíz y alverja en la región central de Boyacá (Colombia) en condiciones estándar y bajo estrés hídrico para determinar requerimientos de agua y calendarios óptimos de siembra según los …

Modelling the influence of social learning on responsible consumption through directed graphs

This study examines the impact of social learning on consumption and production decisions in a societal context. Individuals learn the actual value of nature through information and subsequent network communication, which is illustrated using the …

El conocimiento didáctico matemático del objeto inecuaciones: una visión desde las concepciones y creencias

It is of great importance for mathematics teachers to use tools to describe, explain and improve the teaching and learning processes. Consequently, the Ontosemiotic Approach to Mathematical Knowledge and Instruction (OSA) has tools to carry out this …

Apuntes de estructuras algebraicas

El presente libro está diseñado para ser utilizado en un curso básico de estructuras algebraicas. El texto ofrece un panorama general de las estructuras de grupo, anillo, módulo y R-álgebra, y está diseñado para ser utilizado en un curso de un …

Designing Pair of Nonlinear Components of a Block Cipher over Gaussian Integers

In block ciphers, the nonlinear components, also known as sub- stitution boxes (S-boxes), are used with the purpose of inducing confusion in cryptosystems. For the last decade, most of the work on designing S-boxes over the points of elliptic curves …

$\Sigma$-Semicommutative rings and their skew PBW extensions

In this paper, we introduce the concept of $\Sigma$-semicommutative ring for $\Sigma$ a finite family of endomorphisms of a ring $R$. We relate this class of rings with other classes of rings such as Abelian, reduced, $\Sigma$-rigid, nil-reversible …

Homogenized skew PBW extensions

In this paper, we provide a new and more general filtration to the family of noncommutative rings known as skew PBW extensions. We introduce the notion of $\sigma$-filtered skew PBW extension and study some homological properties of these algebras. …

Math class at school in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers' experiences and realities

**Objective:** based on partial research results in the line of knowledge and practices in the formation of mathematics teachers, this article seeks to reveal the realities that took place in math classes during the pandemic generated by the …

Coherent pairs and Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials on the real line: An extension to the matrix case

In this contribution, we extend the concept of coherent pair for two quasi-definite matrix linear functionals $u_{0}$ and $u_{1}$. Necessary and sufficient conditions for these functionals to constitute a coherent pair are determined, when one of …